Private driver

A car at your disposal for any needs

Not everyone wants to walk for hours through the historic “cobblestones” Romans, going up and down the seven hills to enjoy the immense beauty of the city. For lack of time to prolong the sight of spectacular natural beauty of ancient Rome, to combine culture with shopping, because with children is not easy to move, those who decide to use a vehicle, whether car, van or minibus will be joined Our driver from a deep knowledge of the pitfalls of Roman traffic that will accompany you in your day by finding the solution for you according to your requests.

We will not define the path, but you yourselves who along with useful tips of our drivers planning your day as best desiderate.Consultate our tariff schedules and choose the most suitable for your needs. It will be a piece “Help”.

Mercedes E Class ou similar Max 3 pax € 150,00 € 45,00
Mercedes S Class Max 3 pax € 280,00 € 85,00
Minivan Max 6 pax € 180,00 € 60,00
MicroOmnibus Max 8 pax € 220,00 € 65,00

Just outside of Rome

Tivoli, Castelgandolfo,Frascati,Marino,Ostia, are just some of the small towns dotted around Rome that deseve to be seen. All you need is one of our drivers to show you around the area for a great day out. The breathless wiew of Castelgandolfo lake from the terrace of summer papal resicence,teh spectacular Villa d’este along with Villa Adriana right in Tivoli,or why not try some of the local dishes in Fracsati are wash it down with one of it’s well known wines. All relevant information regarding prices and timetables is available on our website. Should you have any special needs or wish to make changes, don’t hesitate to contatc us about it, we’re sure we’ll be able to help you out.

It would be a great pity not to visit any of the wonderrfful towns dotted around Rome during your stay.


Villa Adrian and Villa D’Este are two splendid residencies worth visiting, the first was the greatest dimora of the Roman Emperors, whilst the second is famous for it’s 100 fountains. The tour is available on fixed days and times of the week, please contatc us for further information.

Cost € 55 per person


Should you wish to take a dip into history take a day trip to Ostia Antica. The Necropoli, the spa baths of Neptune and Theatre of Agrippa are amongst same of the sites to be seen.

Total cost € 50 per person.